When I first got into YouTube I mainly watched vlogging channels! A huge Charlieissocoollike fan I searched for similar channels and ended up with a subscription box full of Phillip De Franco, Nerimon and Danisnotonfire etc. However, recently I've become really interested in beauty gurus and spend far too much time watching hauls and OOTD videos! So here's my pick of some of my favourite beauty gurus...

Michelle Phan - michellephan
You really can't have a list of YouTube beauty gurus without including Michelle Phan! To me, Michelle is the ultimate beauty guru and she was the first one I ever subscribed to. The thing that always stands out to me most about Michelle's videos is that she doesn't just like make up she knows everything about it for example she won't just tell you why a moisturiser will make your skin soft but she'll tell you why and how to best apply it! Awesome!
Check out Michelle's channel here
Sammi - BeautyCrush
When I first started watching beauty videos the one thing that really struck me was that most of them were from America, which was ok until they started talking abut brands I'd never heard of. Sammi's channel was the first UK beauty one I subscribed to and it was really nice to have someone talking about relatable high streets! I love Sammi's videos because she always gives such honest opinions; not just on beauty but on all issues ranging from home decor to social anxiety but she still seems so sweet doing it!
Check out Sammi's channel here
Becca - Voussontbeaubelle
I first started subscribing to Becca's channel after watching a few of her haul videos. I usually get a bit bored halfway trough these but her's made me laugh so I subscribed! Becca makes great OOTD videos which always give me such inspiration on how to style my outfits! Unfortunately, Becca has recently decided to take a break from YouTube due to health issues. Her channel was awesome so I obviously hope she comes back soon but more importantly I wish her a very speedy recovery!
All Becca's videos are still available online so check them out here
Jarmaine - JLovesMac1
The first time I watched Jarmaine's videos I was like "what is up with this girl?!" She's loud crazy and a total power but her hilarity totally makes up for it and now I can't get enough of her videos! The products Jarmaine uses aren't always in my price range so I very rarely actually try out anything in her videos and I know that some viewers give her a bit of attitude about that! It's not something that bothers me; I just think her videos are really fun to watch!
Check out Jarmaine's channel here
I've got a few more channels I want to write about but I thought I'd save them for another post to avoid this one being mega long!
So did I miss out anyone amazing or do you agree with the gurus I've picked? Who do you subscribe to? Who are your favourites? Let me know in the comments it would be lovely to hear from you...
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