So I guess this is a couple of days late, but the way the weather is at the moment it feels like we're still in December so really I'm 6 months early!
I feel like I've done quite a lot of shopping this month considering I'm on a constant budget. I'm not sure where I got the funds for any of this (thank you Student Loan Fairy)
Even though I moved to Norwich over 6 months ago I'm still getting used to the ridiculously hard water which turns my hair into a huge frizzball (think Anne Hathaway in Princess Diaries pre-makeover). I've been looking for products to help with this and the lovely shop assistant in Boots recommended John Frieda Frizz-Ease Original Formula Hair Serum.

On the same hair vein I also bought L'Oreal Studio Matt and Messy Salt Spray. I was convinced to buy this by my friend Josie ( namely because it was on 2 for 1 and she didn't want to pay full price. Whatever the reason I really like it - restores any of the bounce that the serum drags out of my hair. Also I love the matt finish - I find super glossy hair a bit odd looking.
Whilst in Boots I also picked up Rimmel London's Lasting Finish in 700 Block Your Green. I've used this a couple of times and I lurrrrve the colour! I really nice dark green with the just the hint of sparkle.This month I went to Forever 21 on Oxford Street. I'd never been to F21 before so I got way overexcited and tried on practically everything. In the end I only bought two things in the sale. First was a lovely turquoise jumper in a cable knit. It's nice and thin so should be good for the spring. I think it was about £7.99. I also bought an oversized dip-dye t-shirt! I really liked this because usually dip-dye goes from bottom to top but this goes from side-to-side (I am very easily impressed). Again it's really thin so should be good for
summer - I think it'll look nice tucked into shorts.

So have you bought anything this month? Written a blogpost? Link me - I love seeing what other people are into!
(p.s Sorry for the mega long post - I promise it'll only be once a month)
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