Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Quick Apology

Oh hey remember me? No me neither...

Yeah I haven't written anything in forever and a day. Muchos apologisos! I've been really busy recently with lots of exciting (but mainly boring) things going on!

First - I finished my first year of university. Oh my God I can't believe it either, as if I survived. I honestly believe that I am the proof that anyone can survive uni as long as they have pasta, wonderful flatmates and friends and a hilarious Twitter feed on hand for those near exam breakdowns! The last 2 weeks or so have been revision heavy what with having three 2 hour exams! Going out on a high eh! Anyway I finished on the 10th which was actually quite a while ago but there have been many alcohol induced escapades since then so time has pretty much passed me by!

Too much fun had post-exams

Don't drink, kids. 
Finishing Freshers means I'm moving out of my cupboard (if you don't know I live in a teeny tiny shared room)! I'm so excited to move out of my Harry Potter like existence and have a proper room which I can dance around in without having to worry about my poor ol' roommate. Although I am super sad to be leaving halls! It's been such a crazy experience and one that I guarantee I'll never have again - so glad to have lived here!!

Flatmate love!!
On a more exciting note...I am now one of the Features Editor for the Norwich Tab. If you're not familiar with it The Tab is basically a student tabloid, it was set up in Cambridge by a couple of students but has since spread round the country! It's pretty much known for being the lighter side of student news! Anyway, I'm absolutely thrilled to be part of the team here in Norwich, they're all so lovely and funny some of the nicest people I could hope to work with! So if ya fancy killing a couple of minutes check out the Norwich Tab (or whichever one corresponds to your uni!)
Outfit for the summer ball just in case you care - love a good clashing pattern

More posts on the way asap! What have you been up to? Anything fun? I'd like to hear from you so drop me a comment puh-leeeeease!!!

p.s it's ma birfday on the 27th...just in case you wondered hahaha

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